Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

of the activities a series of workshops were held in Copenhagen, Belgrade,
Thessaloniki, New York and Zurich, joined by representatives of the Daniel
Libeskind Studio and Gehl Architects. The vision for the Danube waterfront
for upgrading the quality of the public spaces in Belgrade of Gehl Architects
was presented in the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce in February 2009, while
Daniel Libeskind held a lecture titled The Vision of Belgrade Waterfront^58 at
the University of Belgrade in March 2009. A final presentation of the project
was arranged by the Belgrade Land Development Public Agency at the Real
Estate and Investment Fair in Cannes in 2009. The Belgrade Port Company has
characterised this as a great opportunity to present the project and Belgrade’s
potential to the international public.^59

The common vision of the collaborated designers generates a strategic basis
for the development of the new urban centre that would contain an attractive
public space network that gives priority to pedestrians and cyclists, a revitalised
riverbank with public spaces that will improve the appearance and significance
not only of the location, but of the entire Belgrade, a continuous green area
along the entire location conceived as a new public park, functions and facilities
in an urban space that creates conditions for overlaping various activities,
dynamic atmosphere and openness for different user groups, a variety of

Milena Vukmirović

Fig. 11
The project “City on Water” by
Gehl Architects connectivity
study. (Belgrade Port Company)

Fig. 10
Proposal presented by the team
of the Association of the Urban
Planners of Belgrade.
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