Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

35 „Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade“ no. 27/03.
36 „Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade“, no. 25/05, 34/07, 63/09 and 70/14.
37 Master Plan of Belgrade 2021,
38 Regional Spatial Plan for the Administrative Territory of the City of Belgrade has develo-
ped and revised in 2009 in line with the Law on Planning and Construction and the Statute
of the City.
39 Regional Spatial Plan for the Administrative Territory of the City of Belgrade, http://www.
40 City of Belgrade Development Strategy,
41 Ibid. p. 27.
42 Ibid. pp. 20-21.
43 Ibid. pp. 109-146. Among them, there are nine priority projects in the field of urban deve-
lopment and identity.
44 Ibid.
45 a) Urban renewal and rational use of the existing urban structures through improvement
of quality, compactness, density, transformation of obsolete industrial and utility facilities
into modern urban facilities; b) Preservation and promotion of the existing free, natural
developed and spontaneously created green zones which comprise unexpected attractive
landscapes, especially the environmentally valuable parts near the banks of the river Sava
and the Danube as a balance against future highly urbanised waterfront parts of the city
settlements. The position of Belgrade, natural diversity and cultural values are a base for
development of tourism and promotion of the identity of the City.
46 a) Promotion of the original identity of individual settlements, from central town munici-
palities to border rural settlements, with its development and harmonisation in line with
the common character of the metropolitan Belgrade; b) Identification of characteristic
local “icons”, natural and man-made symbols, urban and rural areas of Belgrade; c) Articu-
lation and completion of physical structures on the left bank of the Danube; d) Empha-
sising the richness of various architectural forms and types of urban tissues as heritage
from various periods, recording and promotion of the modern architecture in Belgrade, as
well as the architecture from the second part of XX century.
47 a) Identifying possible larger projects of the City and starting creating feasibility studies
for the most realistic ones; b) Utilisation of the insufficiently and inefficiently used city
land, by rehabilitation and urbanization of brownfield locations and especially industrial
and utility waterfront zones.
48 a) Development and promotion of Belgrade as a contemporary urban structure with a
preserved natural centre; b) Promotion of the face of the City and promotion of new
architecture; c) Organisation of international competitions and conferences.
49 a) Support of the City to individual and creative productions and projects which will help
the City and its integral parts develop their own identity; b) Strengthening the recogni-
sable architectural image and providing international architects with the possibility to
participate in tenders for capital locations and facilities in the City of Belgrade.
50 Slavkovic Ljubica: U potrazi za transparencijom. Megdan oko beogradskog projekta studija
Zahe Hadid, Super Prostor,
51 Greek company Lamda Development is in Serbia registrated as company named Property
52 the Institute for the Protection of Monuments, the Stari Grad Municipality, the Town
Planning Institute, etc.
53 Slavkovic.
54 Studio Daniel Libeskind and Gehl Architects.
55 City on Water,
56 Spatial Plan for Belgrade 2021, 157-158.
57 Changes and amendments to the Master Plan of Belgrade 2021 - Stage 2 (Changes and
amendments to the Master plan 2/2006) (The Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade no.
58 Organized by the Univesrity of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Serbian Chamber of
Engineers, the Association of Architects and Luka Beograd company.
59 City on Water,
60 City on Water,

Belgrade: The quest for the desired city image
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