Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

61 Urban Planning Institute, Belgrade 2012,
62 Famous architect Libeskind is designing the “City on Water” in Belgrade, Interview with
Ivana Veselinovic, The President of Belgrade Port Company, ProMoney, No. 5, May 2009.
63 Belgrade Spatial Plan for 2021, p. 118.
64 The Ada Bridge / Arhitektura d.o.o. 29 Feb 2012. ArchDaily, http://www.archdaily.
65 Bridge over the River Sava in the City of Belgrade Project,
66 Novi simbol grada i zvanično “Most na Adi”.
67 Topovska cev iz tunela in, Danas, 18th January 2006.
68 Beton Hala Waterfront Center,
69 Ibid.
70 Spatial plan for the development of special purpose coastal area of belgrade - riverside
area for the project “Belgrade on water” (Просторни план подручја посебне намене
уређења дела приобаља града београда – подручје приобаља реке саве за пројекат
“Београд на води“.
71 Đukić, Aleksandra/Milena Vukmirović/Eva Vaništa Lazarević: The planning framework,
projects, competititon proposals and visions for the regulation of the Sava amphitheater
in Construction, 68, No. 3/4, 2014, pp. 103-120 (In Serbian: Плански оквир, пројекти,
конкурсна решења и визије за уређење Савског амфитеатра).
72 As an important guest of the political campaign, Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New
York, has visited Belgrade and stressed the importance of improving the Saba’s coastal
area as well.
73 Eagle Hills has agreed to put up the €3 billion ($4.08 billion) cost of the scheme but the
terms have not been settled and it is unclear how much the Serbia government will con-
tribute in funds. (Agencies), UAE firm to develop Belgrade Waterfront project in Khaleej
Times, 28 th June 2014,
74 Belgrade Watrefront,
75 Ibid.
76 (Agencies), UAE firm to develop Belgrade Waterfront project in Khaleej Times, 28 th
June 2014,
77 A doubled meaning: “Don’t drown Belgrade!” and “Don’t give Belgrade!”

Milena Vukmirović

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