Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1
Belgrade 1714-2014: Utopianism and urbicide

known as a boxer than an expert in urbanism. Under
his administration the main highway route which
serves the entire passenger and the cargo traffic
through Serbia, connecting Europe and the Middle
East, with the loops Mostar and Autokomanda, has
definitely separated the residential urban zones
from the urban core. One of the members of his
cabinet was the latter Serbian president and warlord
Slobodan Milošević.

Živorad Kovačević was the Belgrade mayor from 1974
to 1982. During his tenure the Conference Center
Sava intended for the CSCE (OSCE) conference in 1978
and the first post-war luxury hotel Intercontinental
were built. However, with that period the first major
corruption affairs in socialist Yugoslavia, “Obradović”
and “Belgrade-engineering”, are related, although
Kovačević denied his involvement. Bogdan
Bogdanović, the famous architect and mayor 1982-
1986, has based his vision of public transport based
on the Soviet trams and trolleybuses as the “path to
the 21st century”, primarily by extending tram lines to
New Belgrade.

The militarization of Belgrade taking place from
1903 to 1914, and once again after 1944, was
closely related to the ruling ideologies, but also to
immigration, seen as a potential human reservoir
for the army and the police. Belgrade began to be
conceived and organized as a military camp and as
headquarter of ideological terror and violence after

  1. The Yugoslav president, party chief and army
    supreme commander Josip Broz Tito has relied on
    Novi Beograd as a loyal military and police reserve.
    Similarly was behaving Slobodan Milošević in the
    early 1990s, when he was moving into conflict
    with Slovenia and Croatia. However, thanks to the
    generation shift, Novi Belgrade was becoming to
    transform into a location of democratic resistance
    during the following years. Otherwise, the military
    barracks and the strong police forces were housed
    in the urban core of each Yugoslav city. In this sense
    Belgrade was not an exception.^6

Novi Beograd has been probably designed as
a military barracks area from which the armed

Fig. 3, 4
The urban concept for the reconstruction
of Terazije Sqaure by Dobrovic. (Archive Samardžić)

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