Urban expansion in Bucharest, after 1990: errors and benefits
of several heritage buildings. It showed all the administrative and legal
weaknesses and operated in a very ”Balkan manner”. However, the period
2000–2007 has been one of the worst in terms of urbanism in Bucharest. It
was the first stage of the implementation of the Bucharest PUG^11 , approved in
2000 and founded by a number of key–studies and master plans, as the one
for the Dambovita River^12 , for the historical center, for the northern area along
the Colentina lakes, and for the protected urban zones. For the first time since
the”Schita de sistematizare”^13 in 1935, the architects’ guild freely subscribed
an urban development vision, trying to melt into a coherent whole a lot of the
contrasts and contradictions. The PUG 2000 attempted a reconciliation of all:
the followers of the ”horizontal city” (therefore adapts of the eternal little Paris
confined to its territorial limits historically), and the more energetic advocates
of the rapid vertical lifting (even beyond local seismic conditions), or the more
fanatics for keeping intact the city’s ecological resources. But, “when the
government ordered new spatial plans to frame the emerging developments”^14 ,
these plans proved mostly disconnected from the reality of land ownership, the
financial capacity and priorities of the public sector. There integration between
the different sections of the plans was limited, denoting a strong silo-mentality
and a lack of cross sector cooperation.^15 Many real estate projects launched in
this period led to the extension of the city boundaries on abandoned industrial
areas and agricultural land in the very proximity of the Colentina lakes, or near
the forests around the city.
The most common morphological pattern in this period was the dense and
compact development of the plots, often on parcels with very elongated
proportions in relation to the access from the public road. Especially in the
sphere of residential development, small blocks of flats assembly between
P + 4 and P + 6 floors that target the most efficient use of land resources
have been multiplied. The largest stake for the sale of these units was not
the architectural concept, often imported directly from the investor, but
the relationship with the landscape, speculating as much as possible with its
Fig. 4
Evolution of the northern area
of Bucharest adjacent to the
ring-road, the land between
Baneasa forest and Tunari
forest, year 2004 (left) and 2008
(right) - after the construction of
a part of Greenfiled Residence.
(Google Earth)