Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1
Urban expansion in Bucharest, after 1990: errors and benefits

able to predict the development, without restraining it and without repeating
the mistakes of the past.

1 Pascariu, G.: Overview of Romanian planning evolution, in: Proceedings of AESOP 26t h
Annual Congress, Ankara, METUGC 2012.
2 Munteanu, M./L. Servillo: Romanian Spatial Planning System: Post-Communist Dynamics
of Change and Europeanization Processes, in: European Planning Studies, 22:11, 2248-
2267, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2013.830696.
3 Munteanu, Servillo, 2014.
4 The 1991 Property Law reinforced private property.
5 Bell, S.: DPSIR = A problem structuring method? An exploration from the “Imagine” ap-
proach, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 222(2), 2012, pp. 350–360.
6 Law on Cadaster and Land no. 7/1996 (republished in 2013) and only 10 years later ap-
pear the Law. No. 350, 2001 on Spatial Planning and Urbanism.
7 Until 2000, the five mayors of the capital were Viorel Oproiu (November 1990 - Septem-
ber 1991), Doru Viorel Panait (September 1991 - February 1992), Crin Halaicu (February
1992 - June 1996), Victor Ciorbea (June 20, 1996 - March 30, 1998), Viorel Lis (Interim -16
January 1997 - 13 November 1998), Viorel Lis (ales- 13 November 1998 - June 2000).
8 One of the main squares of the central area of Bucharest.
9 The Urban Planning Department was to come into existence in 1996.
10 until 2000 it was changed by 4 times, and last modification dates from 2013 with Law
165/2013 - The law of Properties Restitution.
11 General Urban Plan.
12 One of the two rivers that crosses Bucharest in its central area.
13 A form of General Urban Plan.
14 MPWSP—Ministry for Public Works and Spatial Planning. Reforma si Lucrarile publice in
Romania ultimilor ani 1997–2000. Universalia Bucharest 2000.
15 Munteanu, Servillo, 2014, p.2255.
16 Stan, A.: Peisajul periferiilor urbane. Revitalizarea peisageră a zonelor periferice. Ed. Ion
Mincu Bucureşti 2009.
18 Munteanu & Servillo, 2014.
19 Pătroescu, M./G.Vintilă/G. Cocoş: A model of geoecological analysis of a city sample with
a view to its ecological restructuring, Analele Universită Ńii din Bucureşti, Seria Geografie,
XLIV 1995.
20 Munteanu, Servillo, 2014, p.15.
20 Munteanu, Servillo, 2014, p.15.

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