Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

Mihai Alexandru

6 History and Theory of Architecture Cathedra of Ion Mincu Institute of Architecture.
7 Restoration Study – the rehabilitation of the Architectural Heritage in the Architecture
Reserve no.1, Bucharest.
8 Zonal Urban Plan (ZUP) with the attached local planning regulation is an urban planning
instrument providing specific regulations to specific parts of the city, while responding
and detailing the provisions of the GUP (General Urban Plan).
9 Government Ordinance ”Ordonanța nr.77/2001 Privind reabilitarea şi revitalizarea centru-
lui istoric Bucuresti” published 01.09.2001.
10 Tureanu, Ileana et al. (eds), Bucharest 2000, International Urban Planning Competition,
Bucureş ti, Ed.Simetria, 2000. 21.
11 The General Urban Plan (ro: PUG) was approved in 2000 by the Municipal Council of
Bucharest, but was progressively deregulated through thousands of Zonal Urban Plans
and Detailed Urban Plans drafted afterwards, a fact made possible by a fragile legislation
and by a immense pressure from the real-estate sector whose intent was mainly specula-
tive and was not channeled in the development areas proposed in the GUP 99. See Urbis
’90, Plan Urbanistic General(General Urban Plan), unpublished study, Bucureşti, 1999,
consulted in the Urbis’90 archive.
12 In Romania the General Urban Plan (ro: PUG) in short GUP has a directive character and
includes operational regulations, thus being the legal basis for implementing develop-
ment programs and actions.
13 Tureanu, 2000.
14 Studiu pentru Delimitarea zonelor construite protejate din Municipiul Bucureşti.
15 Many of the interventions are of speculative kind aiming at increasing the FAR (floor area
ratio) or the functional destination and sometimes demolishing or altering monuments.
16 Victoriei Square-Lascăr Catargiu between Dacia bldv. and Victoria Square; the Griviței –
Ștefan Furtună axis between North Station and Victoria Square; completion of Unirii blvd.;
Buzeş ti – Berzei axis, between the Dâmbovița River and Victoria Square; Moşilor axis.
17 Victoria Square, North Station, Obor, Alba Iulia Square.
18 CCPEC/UAUIM, Strategia de dezvoltare integrată a municipiului Bucureşti şi a teritoriului
său de susținere şi influență (Conceptul Strategic Bucureşti 2035, Bucureş ti, 2012), (docu-
ment is available online at URL: [])..)
19 Ianăşi Liviu / Mihai Alexandru, Bucharest Strategic Concept 2035 Presentation Book,
Bucureş ti, Ed.Universitară Ion Mincu, 2014. 49.
20 According to the preliminary results in the National Census in 2011, compared to 2002,
the population of Bucharest decreases with 12,9%, part of this decrease being explained
through the residential migration from Bucharest to Ilfov county (the surrounding county
of Bucharest) in which a 21,36% increase in calculated in the same time span. The more
dramatic increase is in the number of dwellings, reaching almost 39,89% compared to the
2002 census.
21 Bucharest Strategic Concept 2035 notes a spatial growth of 25% of the pre-existing
urban mass, the majority in very disperse or tentacular patterns. See:
and Ianăşi Liviu / Mihai Alexandru, Bucharest Strategic Concept 2035Presentation Book,
Bucureş ti, Ed.Universitară Ion Mincu, 2014.
22 JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency) after noticing the tenfold increase in
car ownership rate compared to 1989, estimated a further increase of 50%.
23 Doina Cristea is the main author of the GUP 1999 and also consultant for CSB2035, pro-
fessor PhD at Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning of Bucharest. See.
24 Cristea Doina, ”In quest of a metropolis image” in Urbanismul Serie Nouă magazine, no.3,
September 2009, 82.
25 The Death and Life of American Cities, 1961.
26 “The city-center of Bucharest lost most of its dwelling activity between 2007 and 2012” –
27 In 2011 when the process of refurbishment was still slow, a sociological survey indicates
only 32% of the inhabitants are using the city-center.
28 The period between 2002 and 2008 is also called by some specialists the real-estate
29 As a consequence of the economic crisis, the Bucharest Strategic Concept 2035 was iden-
tifying a rate of 17% innocupancy of office floor spaces in 2011. See: and
Ianăşi / Alexandru, 2014.
30 Criveanu Șerban et al. “Unele aspecte metodologice istorice şi social-psihologice legate de

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