Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1
Urban image and national representation: Bucharest in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century

Fig. 5
The situations of the
boulevards, represented on the
plan “Pântea”, 1921. (according
to Lascu, 2011)

projects reflected a more coherent and intense concern in this direction. Even
though most of these projects were not achieved because of the outburst of
WW II, they indicate a deeper understanding of the city planning.

The shaping of the urbanistic thought was reflected in the plans and
regulations regarding the city. Even if the idea of creating a general plan
dated back to the 1880s, the first general plan of the capital was approved in

  1. Two master plans were conceived in 1921 and 1935, each of them being
    linked to constructions and alignment regulations. These general plans were
    not put into practice, but some ideas are still recurrent in the master plans of

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