Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1
The General Urban Plan 1921 (Planul General de Sistematizare - PGS|21)

In May 1914 young C. Sfințescu^8 was appointed as the Head of the Urban Plan
Office at the municipal Technical Works Department, charged with the duty
to realize Bucharest’s first urban plan. The approval phase was interrupted by
WW I while Bucharest was under enemy occupation and restarted at the end of

  1. The General Urban Plan was approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    and was decreed with a Royal Act in April 1921. It was never approved by the
    Higher Technical Committee in its entirety. The proposal for an urban planning
    law attached to the plan remained unapproved as well.

The PGS|21 was conceived on two distinct layers: the urban development plan
and the detailed plan for the street regulation. The structure of the presentation
was: territorial limits, principles for building code, zoning^9 , circulation,
aesthetics and public hygiene, locations for public institutions, public places -
intersections and architectural squares, public parks and gardens, wastewater
treatment plant, supply centres and deposits, transportation. That part was
completed with detailed maps and prescriptions for street regulation of approx.
45 areas in the city.

The first urban plans of Bucharest in the rise of the 20th century
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