Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

  • the complex system of green spaces opposed to the green belt
    system, formulated as a rational and efficient territorial limit;

  • the establishing of criteria for financial efficiency when deciding
    upon the road network and the developing of principles that later
    guided the debated around this subject.

C. Sfințescu^18 , on the other hand, remained faithful to his general development
schemes and zoning with building principles for entire functional areas.
However, he lifted up the stake and refereed only to Regional Bucharest as a
subject for the new plan, thus establishing the first guidelines for Romanian
regional planning.

The Bucharest Urban Plan Committee was established in 1928 with the sole
purpose to start and supervise the new urban plan. But, after a weak start
and a rough political turnover, the Committee really took off in 1930 under
a new administrative law^19 that enforced its responsibilities. In one and a half
year of intensive work and 48 meetings, important decisions were made and
a general program for a new plan was sketched. The subjects were discussed
according to their importance: means to limit territorial expansion of the city
(the most debated subject and the only one transformed in an approved plan),
zoning, road network, a new port and a navigable channel to link Bucharest
with Danube, the administrative status of the surrounding towns, and working
groups as specialized committees to supervise the research phase of the
planning process.

The outcomes, following period 1932-1934

The Urban Plan Committee discussed only upon the specialists’ reports on
various subjects. One of the most important products of those debates
was Sfințescu’s comprehensive work “For Bucharest New Urban Research:
Limit, Green Spaces, Zoning, Roads, Aesthetics” (Pentru Bucureşti. Noi studii
urbanistice. Delimitare, zonificare, circulație, estetică).^20 It gathered his 10
reports presented in the Planning Committee in 1930 and 1931. That volume
actually accomplished the first phase of the planning process for the new plan,
thus enabling the passing to the urban plan and details. This work of Sfințescu is
the first Romanian thesis on planning.^21 The volume was awarded with the prize
for Scientific Research by the Romanian Academy in 1932.

The Guiding Urban Plan in 1935 (Planul Director de Sistematizare -

After an exhausting period of political instability that disrupted the smooth
continuity of the Urban Planning Committee and interfered with the process
for the new urban plan, one of the greatest turning points in Romanian urban
planning took place in February 1934: the expenditure of Sfințescu from
public decision and the abruption of the discipline itself. The interim Mayor

Andreea Udrea

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