Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

ment from 1920 till August 1934; professor of Urbanism and Public Works at the Superior
School/Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest between 1920 and 1947, at the Special School
of Military Engineering and at the School of Administrative Sciences; in the 1920s maintai-
ned an active contact with the Union Internationale des Villes (UIV) and the International
Federation of Housing and Town Planning (IFHTP): 1926 was elected member and then in
1931 vice-president of the IFHTP Council (those being merely honorary distinctions).
9 at that time was also named “specialization of neighbourhoods”.
10 Legea pentru unificare administrativă (The law for administrative unification), promo-
ted with Royal Decree no. 1972 in June 13, 1925, published in Monitorul Oficial no. 128
in June 14, 1925, and Legea pentru organizarea administrațiunii comunale a oraşului
Bucureş ti (The law for the administrative organisation of Bucharest), published in Moni-
torul Oficial no. 31 in February 7, 1926.
Lege pentru organizarea administrației municipiului Bucureşti [The law for Bucharest pu-
blic services], July 27, 1929, published in the Monitorul Comunal al Municipiului Bucureşti
no. 3, September 15, 1929.
11 The laws synthetized all previous urban planning experience and stirred new subjects for
debate, research and theoretical reflections and officially inaugurated the first call to all
Romanian towns to elaborate urban plans for development according to a set of technical
prescriptions officially approved and enacted the term “general urban plan”.
12 Sfințescu, C.: Bucureştii în lumina ştiinței urbanistice. Conferință ținută la Societatea Poli-
tecnică în ziua de 21 martie 1935, în Urbanismul, year XV (VII), 5-6 1938, 182.
13 Engineer Teodor Rădulescu (1889-?) was educated at the Polytechnics in Berlin-Charlot-
tenburg; public servant working together with C. Sfințescu in the Bucharest Public Works
Department, held managing positions between 1926 and 1936.
14 Architect Duiliu Marcu (1885-1966) graduated Școala Superioară de Arhitectură [the
Superior School of Architecture] in Bucharest and École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux
Arts; member of the Romanian Academy, he is among few architects to be awarded this
distinction; the first president of Romanian Union of Architects; architect in the Pub-
lic Works Ministry and preeminent member of the Comitetul Tehnic Superior (Higher
Technical Committee) – the highest authority in Romanian urban planning; distinguished
professor at the Architecture Faculty in Bucharest; conducted a very intense and long ac-
tivity in urban planning consisting of numerous urban plans and design projects for great
Romanian cities, with a 50-year long activity he is among the most prodigious Romanian
architects and urban designers.
15 Davidescu, Al./M. I. Stroescu, 1907, 463-469.
16 Sfințescu, C: Pentru Bucureşti. Noi studii urbanistice. Delimitare, zonificare, circulație,
estetică. Institutul de Arte Grafice Bucovina, 1932, 789.
17 Rădulescu, T. Planul de sistematizare al Capitalei in Monitorul Uniunei Oraşelor din Româ-
nia, no. 1-2/1929; Rădulescu, T. Planurile de amenajarea oraşelor in Monitorul Uniunei
Oraşelor din România, no. 3-6/1929.
18 Sfințescu, C. Cum să sistematizăm Bucureştiul in Arhiva pentru ştiință şi reformă socială,
19 Lege pentru organizarea administrației municipiului Bucureşti [The law for Bucharest
public services], July 27, 1929.
20 Sfințescu, C.: Pentru Bucureşti. Noi studii urbanistice. Delimitare, zonificare, circulație,
estetică. Institutul de Arte Grafice Bucovina 1932.
21 The work is comprising a rich database, careful analysis, brief history and development al-
ternatives, and spanning over 400 pages, 157 illustrations, 46 maps and numerous tables
and lists.
22 Architect Duiliu Marcu (1885-1966) graduated Școala Superioară de Arhitectură [the
Superior School of Architecture] in Bucharest and École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux
Arts; member of the Romanian Academy, he is among few architects to be awarded this
distinction; the first president of Romanian Union of Architects; architect in the Pub-
lic Works Ministry and preeminent member of the Comitetul Tehnic Superior [Higher
Technical Committee] – the highest authority in Romanian urban planning; distinguished
professor at the Architecture Faculty in Bucharest; conducted a very intense and long ac-
tivity in urban planning consisting of numerous urban plans and design projects for great
Romanian cities; with a 50-year long activity he is among the most prodigious Romanian
architects and urban designers.
23 Architect George Matei Cantacuzino (1899-1960) theoretician of beauty in arts and ar-
chitecture; the work within the Working Group of the 1935 Bucharest Guiding Urban Plan
was his only involvement in urban planning.

Andreea Udrea

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