and production beds should be kept free from weeds. Seedlings are often attacked by
damping off fungi like Rhizoctonia sp. in nursery. It is better to treat the seeds with a suitable
seed dressing fungicide before planting. Fusarium wilt caused by F. moniliforme has been
reported from India. The plants are ready for harvesting after 4 years. The roots should be
dug out, washed and dried in the sun. Rhizome and root are the economical parts (Husain,
Properties and Activity
Ipecac root contains 2.2-2.5% total alkaloids. The main alkaloids are cephaeline and
emetine. In addition, it also contains psychotrine and psychotrine ethyl ether. The drug also
contains a crystalline glucosidal tannin, starch and calcium oxalate (60-70% of the alkaloids
is emetine). Root contains minor amounts of O-methyl psychotrine, emetamine, protoemetine
and others. Other constituents of ipecac include choline, glycoside-ipecoside, saponins,
resins, tannins-ipecacuanhin, an allergen composed of mixture of glycoproteins, ipecacuanhic
acid, a neutral monoterpene acid and calcium oxalate. Cephaeline could be converted into
emetine on methylation.
The powdered dried rhizome and root cause severe asthmatic attacks and
vasomotorrhinitis. Emetine hydrochloride is anti-amoebic. Root is emetic, expectorant and
diaphoretic (Husain et al, 1992).