(Ron) #1

by digging the seedbeds. Stems are cut 15cm above the root. Stems and roots are usually
dried and stored.

Properties and Activity

Leaves yield essential oil and an alkaloid vasicine. Roots contain vasicinol and
vasicinone. Roots also contain vasicoline, adhatodine, anisotine and vasicolinone. Several
alkaloids like quinazoline and valicine are present in this plant.

The plant is bitter, astringent, refrigerant, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic,
febrifuge, depurative, styptic and tonic. Vasicine is bronchodilator, respiratory stimulant and
hypotensive in action, uterine stimulant, uterotonic, abortifacient comparable with oxytocin
and methyligin. Uterotonic action of vasicine is mediated through the release of

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