tactile features of 251;
as the world 267;
see also dwelling
‘Building, Dwelling, Thinking’ (Heidegger) 65, 99, 100–9
Bürger, Peter 247
Burke, Edmund 297–8
Cage, John 238
camera 31, 385
capitalism 236, 238–46, 254, 311
cartography 166
‘cave principle’ 183
cellar 85, 94–6, 270
cemetery 353–4
Chateaubriand, François de 203
Chatelet, François 315
Chicago School 231
Choay, Françoise 164
‘Choral Works’ 318, 339–45
choremes 192, 201
church 53–9, 68–9, 130, 194, 252
cities 216, 224, 238, 253, 305, 368–9;
centre/periphery 171, 382;
changes in 382–90;
conflict between signification and reality 167–8;
entering 383–4;
erotic dimension 170–1;
focal point 169;
legibility of features of 167;
as poem 172;
rhythm of 168;
surveillance in 381–2;
users as readers in 170;
and water 171
‘City/State’ (Deleuze) 308, 313–15
civilization 30, 374
Cixous, Hélène xix, 283, 302–7
Claudel, Paul 44
commodity, fetishism 5;
production 240
communication 182–4, 195–6, 200
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels) 37, 39
Community Development Project 386–7
The Condition of the Working Class in England (Marx) 25
connectedness 65, 66–9
consciousness 88
‘The Constraints of Postmodernism’ (Jameson) 247–55
context 258, 298
control 308, 309–15, 348, 356–67
Coppola, Francis Ford 390
Corbin, Alain 376
Index 380