Millionaire Traders
Millionaire Traders Q: During the day, are you trading intensely every hour from 3p.m.? A: Yes, as long as the market ...
The Great Adapter A: Every month they send me a wire from my account for what I’m up that month, and they retain an agreed amoun ...
Millionaire Traders Q: So you guys sort of electronically point out certain interesting things that you are seeing and sharing, ...
The Great Adapter let’s ask the question differently—how manylosingdays have you had out of about the 200 trading days that we’v ...
Millionaire Traders really have to strive to get some nice days in. I will put a stop to the downside as well. If I’m up$1,200, ...
The Great Adapter Q: They’ve gotten a lot sharper in their algorithms. A: Oh, yeah very much. Q: Are you still doing maybe 50 to ...
Millionaire Traders Q: The Emulex saga was a very famous story of the Internet age, when a fake press release caused the stock t ...
The Great Adapter Q: And getting out meant you were taking any offer that was going to be out there. You didn’t try to get cute, ...
Millionaire Traders Q: Are you sports fan? A: Yes, I am. Ideally, if could do something outside of trading, I’d be a professiona ...
The Great Adapter Q: Lastly, what’s the most difficult part of this job? A: I would say just the thought that—or maybe it’s just ...
Millionaire Traders more disciplined than the next guy, to survive and prosper in the game. The most common reason that most tra ...
Chapter 10 Surfing for Profits Ashkan Bolour With an unusual combination of strong quantitative skills and a deep background in ...
Millionaire Traders Q: How did you start in trading? What was your first market? A: Basically I started in equities. My backgrou ...
Surfing for Profits Q: When you were in Beverly Hills and were working for this firm that had high-net-worth individuals, were y ...
Millionaire Traders at HSBC, and you would ask for a quote on a pair. The lady in the “cage” would call a hotline and ask for a ...
Surfing for Profits been longer. It sounds like it was more position type of trading, right? A: Yes, it definitely was. You had ...
Millionaire Traders Q: Will you initiate a trade, let’s say based upon your short-term bias? But then if that trade becomes prof ...
Surfing for Profits leverage with options, I traded it for those reasons to familiarize myself with the different product that I ...
Millionaire Traders basis. Foreign exchange in many ways contains the same type of properties as options—highly directional, hig ...
Surfing for Profits technical analysis to get into the markets. There are many differ- ent techniques—from candlesticks to movin ...
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