Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
Millionaire Traders

Q: But you’ll still use those multiple-entry techniques to position

A: Yes. I think you increase your chances of success several-fold
if you are willing to scale in and scale out.

Q: Clearly, every trade is very different, but what would you say
is the average time span of your trades?

A: Less than 10 minutes. I have a lot of trades that last less than
two minutes.

Q: Is that difficult for you emotionally or mentally, since futures
markets can be extraordinarily fast? I mean, prices can literally go
up and down one or two points in a matter of 20 seconds. Do you
like that? Or do you find that discombobulating?

A: No that’s what I like. Give me the volatility, give me short
timeframe trades, that’s what I like.

Q: The longer you’re in a trade, the more antsy you get?

A: Well, if I am in it for 30 minutes, I’m probably on the wrong
side of it. If I was on right side of it, I would have taken the money
and moved on to the next trade.

Q: Do you find that it’s the skill of your trade management that
really turns potentially bad trades into good trades?

A: I wish I could say I’m always on the right side and they always
go my way, but typically I’m early in my entries. So I expect them
to go against me a little bit. It would be nice to always go with the

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