Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
Rags to Riches

knowing how the platform and the indicators work. Then they need
to go back and demo trade, do exactly what I did which is to triple
that account, three times over. They will also need to give me their
demo account number and password so that I can track how they
are doing and see if these guys actually follow the things that I
have taught them. We also go through a process of analyzing their
trades, especially the losing ones. I will help them figure out why
they may have lost money in a trade and typically the problem is
that they forgot to look at the calendar for news releases. This is a
part of the learning process however and that is basically how I do
the courses, and I provide a lot of support afterwards.

Q: So it’s a one-week course and the indicators that you’ve
developed, do you send them in a file that they load onto a chart?

A: Yes, the course lasts from Monday to Thursday, and the
indicators are sent to them in an encrypted file.

Q: How many people have you trained so far, and what is their
success rate?

A: I’ve trained probably just over 30, of which 16 are currently
live. In fact, the 16th guy just went live today. So I’m not going
to count him. 15 people have been trading live anywhere ranging
from just over a year to three or four months. Out of the 15, 12—80
percent—have been fairly successful. The rest do not follow the
rules. They trade on emotion, anger etc., and take the occasional
knock. There is one guy who took his account from$500 to$6,000
and in just over a month, he blew it all on one single trade.

Q: It’s called greed, isn’t it?

A: Yes. Greed is not something you can control in another person.
You know your system works, that’s the bottom line, period. How
people treat the system is entirely in their hands.

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