Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
Millionaire Traders

or four hours, for example, that’s$250 to me. So I’m quite happy
with that, but it takes patience.

Q: So are you ever competitive with your students or your brother
in terms of trading?

A: No, I only compare myself with myself. I was taught from
quite a small age to always give of your best, and my dad always
used to tell me that even if you think that you’re the best, you are
probably not. There’s probably somebody, somewhere out there
who is better than you. So you always need to strive to be better. I
think that is where he instilled in me, the passion to learn as much
as I can. The passion for traveling, meeting other people, learning
about other cultures. What I’ve found was that with the silver now,
I’ve got the indicators, I’ve proven the indicators work, and yet
every single day I am still looking for something to make it better
and that just drives me.

Q: Do you feel like you have changed a lot of your systems or
strategies along the way?

A: It has really been fairly small changes, just little adaptations
as I’ve discovered new things.
There’s one more thing that I want to talk about. When I
started teaching people in the beginning, I realized that there was
one thing that is terribly wrong with many new traders, they tend to
open demo accounts with$50,000. These people will start trading
this amount, and they will make money or they will only incur
small losses, because the bottom line is that it is very difficult to
blow$50,000. Then these people feel confident and open up a live
account with$300 and they start to lose money. It may be because
they do not have enough capital to withstand the same amount
of stop-loss or they cannot take as many lots as they could with
a$50,000 demo account. Either way, they are trading differently
and it has a huge negative impact on how they are doing live.
Therefore, I think that it is extremely important to ask for a demo
account with a balance that you plan on funding with when you go

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