Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The Wisdom of Experience

Q: How long did you trade stocks and oil?

A: Up to the present; Although since the beginning of 2005, I
switched away from brokerage to focus more on education and I
trade stocks and oil on the side.

Q: When did you start your own education company?

A: I started the company in 1992, but throughout that time, I
was working as an investment advisor. It was only in the beginning
of last year that I put my full-time focus into my company.

Q: How much did you start trading with?

A: In 1988, about$50,000 HKD, which would be considered
quite a bit in today’s dollars, and is the equivalent of two years of

Q: Was trading easy for you in the beginning or did you feel
frustrated at the start?

A: Yes, it was definitely frustrating. In the beginning, I did face
a lot of failure. I think that when it comes to investments and
trading, in the beginning it’s a cycle of failure, followed by success,
followed by failure again and success again. But the last step is
either success or failure, which is the same as life. You are faced
with many success and failures, and my later successes come from
the experience of my failures. This, too, is a repeated cycle. Even
at times that I think I may have succeeded, I hit a stumbling block,
which becomes another learning experience, and that has really
been all part of my training to become a successful trader.

Q: What encouraged you to keep on trading when you had

A: Well, there is a very unique characteristic of trading, which
is that the feeling of success and failure comes quickly. Today you

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