Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The Treasure Hunter

up one-and-half percent. So, I thought, this doesn’t feel right. I
didn’t know if it was trader intuition or my bull alarm. Something
was going off and I just said, I’m getting flat. So I got out of as much
as I could and now the market’s barely higher. I’m standing in the
ring and I’m confused now. I’m very confused because this is not
like it was in the last two days and then all of a sudden a light bulb
went on and I had a dream. But after the dream I began to feel
more conviction now than when I walked in on Monday morning.
I had this vision then, a dream: There are these guys that come
down onto the floor every now and then. They are Florida citrus
guys and they’re these old Southern gentlemen who are very smart.
They’re very wealthy and they control the orange juice business in
south Florida and I had seen them many times on the floor with
the greatest tailoring jobs, the greatest suits, some of them fly up
in their own private planes, and I had this vision of one of these
guys on the balcony of his mansion overlooking his orange groves
with his cordless phone who knew that the whole freeze was bull
and he was phoning his New York brokers telling them, cap this
thing, sell this thing, short this thing. Basically, what was going on
in my mind was that this is what the smart money is doing. They
are saying, “Sell, damn it.” I figured that guys like him must be
selling, and I have to get in on this especially since I had just had a
nice score in the market. One of the things that I do is, if I’ve just
made some money and if I still feel I’m in sync with the market,
is that I step on the gas. I would be a horrible high school football
coach in America today because, if my team is up 90 to nothing at
half time. I’d be trying to figure out ways to bury these guys 300
to nothing by the fourth quarter. That was how I was thinking on
this day. I was up 90 to nothing at half time, but I want to kill. I
want to make them cry. I want to win, you know, 300 to zero. I
decided that I’m going to do whatever I can in futures and options
to sell the hell out of this market with my fictional smart Southern
friend. This guy was a ghost basically, but I wanted to be with him.
I wanted to trade with my imaginary friend. So I started selling
and I did enough futures and options where, if the market took out
the high for the day and I was going to give a stop order to one my
brokers in the OJ futures to take me out, I would only have lost
about 40 percent of what I made on the up move over the last two

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