Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
Millionaire Traders

Q: On those occasions when you got stubborn, what’s the worst
loss you took?

A: Doing regular scalping probably a grand or two. I did get
stubborn with overnights sometimes—that I would do on the side
after I had built up my account. Those were my worst trades. I
endeduplosing10or$20K, on some overnight positions.

Q: So you would give back, sometimes, a week’s worth of work
on an overnight trade?

A: Yeah, and I would ask myself, “What am I doing?” I can make
money every day, why am I doing this overnight business? And a
few months later I find myself in another one,

Q: What was the thing that attracted you to the overnights?

A: I think it was just the charts were so beat up and had these
huge ranges, and I tried to go in and bottom-pick some stuff.

Q: Except they kept going down. Did you average down on those

A: I would on occasion. But most of them were smaller-price
stocks, around 20 bucks. If they were at$150 and they came down
to$20 or so, I thought, “Wow, how much how lower can they really
go?”—and I found out [laughter].

Q: You found out it can go to zero [laughter].

A: I never held something to zero. But I held stuff definitely way
beyond where I should have got out.

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