Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The All-American Trader

Q: Would you still trade smaller, swing size there?

A: Very small. Yes, very small. The liquidity and the volume in
the stuff just wasn’t there like it was.

Q: When you started getting stopped out, how much of a draw-
down did you incur? Did you give up a third or half?

A: I gave up about almost$100,000.

Q: So about a little bit less than a third.

A: Yes.

Q: You started selling copiers, and then what happened?

A: I met a girl, we got married. Like I said, I still did my job, but
at least she got her MBA down at Duke.

Q: So you met a smart girl.

A: Yes, I met a very smart girl. Kind of told her that my passion
was the stock market and I wanted to get back to doing something
with the stock market. She said, “Well, I’ll tell you what, I’ll get a
job and I’ll support us and I’m going to trust you on this.”

Q: That’s a very unusual story.

A: She paid all the bills for about three-and-half years.

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