Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The All-American Trader

Q: How many contracts were you trading when you had 30 grand
in the account?

A: One to three. I followed Chuck’s rules to a T and that’s the
way I’m going to continue to do it. I’m not sure if I’ll ever trade or
need to trade 50 to 100 or 200. I might.

Q: At this point obviously liquidity is not an issue for you because
basically ER2 is 10 to 20 up on every price level. [Authors’ note:
The ER contract usually displays a minimum of 20 contracts on
the bid and the offers at the inside price.] Therefore, even when
you get stopped slippage is not bad.

A: Exactly.

Q: Was there a period of time when you had days or weeks
where you were just missing your trades? And if you did, how did
you deal with that kind of pressure?

A: The whole time I’ve been in this, I’ve never had a losing week.
This month of October here I’ve had two losing days, one was
October 3 for about$800 and the other one was October 24 for
575 bucks.

Q: Did you get upset both of those days?

A: Oh hell yeah. Absolutely. Like I said, I don’t like to lose
anything. I mean playing cards with my wife, just playing, I don’t
like to lose. Hate it. Can’t stand losing. Can’t stand it! Drives me
crazy. I’m very, very competitive.

Q: Did you play sports when you were younger?

A: Yes. I played them all and I expect to win. I have high expec-
tations of myself. I do get bummed out when I lose.

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