Millionaire Traders
Q : Have you traded any other futures instrument besides
A: Yes, I traded the ES [the e-mini S&P 500] a few times. I found
it was pretty boring though.
Q: It moves in quarters instead of dimes.
A: And it takes forever to move a quarter sometimes.
Q: It’s much harder to make bid/ask on ES, almost impossible.
[Authors’ note:Trader slang for being able to buy on the bid and
sell on the ask.]
A: Right. No, I love helping people because it also helps me.
I learn from it and maybe someone who I’m helping out knows
something that I don’t. I want to learn, I’m a sponge. I don’t claim
to be great, because I think you can always be greater and I strive
to be. I want to win 100 percent. I know that’s impossible, but I
strive to just get better and better.
Q: Would you say most of your own learning is derived from your
own experience rather than from any academic environment?
A: Absolutely.
Q: You basically study yourself, refine yourself, continuously?
A: Yes. There’s no book. There’s no class that can teach you any
of this. My opinion again. My own experiences have helped me
become what I am today and the key is to learn from what you did
wrong and use discipline.