Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The All-American Trader

Q: What about the worst trade ever?

A: Worse trade ever was that one where I thought I was right
and then lost the two points. Then I added to it too, to boot. That
was when I tried to get a top. I tried to pick a top and I shorted the
top and it just kept going. Lo and behold, it was good. I took the
loss because it ended up going to the moon.

Q: After you did your post-market analysis, did that have a very
strong impact on you? You never did that again. You never tried to
pick a top the way you did in that particular trade?

A: Oh, absolutely. That’s another one of my big things—don’t try
to pick tops and bottoms. No reason.

Q: What’s the most interesting part of this job?

A: Most interesting part is the high I get when I’m right. It’s the
flexibility. It’s the ability to spend large amount of time with my

Q: Anything that’s boring about this job?

A: Well, it’s tedious. Every day you start with zero again and
there’s no paycheck coming in if I don’t work, if I don’t do well.
It’s all on me. You make a few bad moves and then things could
get a little tricky.

Q: How do you deal with that type of daily pressure? Golf?

A: Golf. Yeah. Golf and I just try not to think about it, I really
do. I don’t think about it. I focus on the trade, I come up with plan
and that’s it.

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