Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
Getting Started in Trading

Internet and provide good overviews of business headlines of the
day and sometimes even cogent financial analysis. For specific stock
ideas and economic analysis, the old media stalwarts of theWall
Street Journaland its weekend publication,Barron’sremain the
gold standard of information for equity and commodity traders.
However, the Internet has spawned literally thousands of very
unique financial analysis Web-sites, the vast majority of which are
free. For the FX market, we like, although you are
unlikely to find specific trade ideas at most of these finance blogs,
you will be able to garner very interesting and often opposing views
regarding big macroeconomic issues, as well as specific industry
sectors. For a source of community, many electronic traders head
to for endless conversations and arguments
about every market and trading approach that we have covered in
this book.

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