Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
Millionaire Traders

just simply wasn’t going to work for me. So I attempted to enroll
in a Ph.D. program on the East Coast. My wife and I moved to
the East Coast and when I decided that the Ph.D. program wasn’t
for me, I actually worked at several jobs, whatever I could do to
earn money and support my family. Anything to avoid law. I was
happier making one-third the amount of money in other jobs. Once
again the markets came back up and within just a couple of years
I had been introduced to a private currency trader in southern
California. That’s when I really sort of realized that I didn’t need
to work in an investment bank to be involved in the markets. I
didn’t need to have a business degree. I didn’t need to have a lot
of special connections. What I really needed was a good Internet
connection and some information on how to get started and the
perseverance to make it through the bad times, the hard lessons
that we all seem to go through. So that was the beginning of my
currency trading career.

Q: It seems like your wife at the time was extremely supportive
or at least very flexible to be moving around with you?

A: Well, she’s never been the type of person who would encourage
me to do something that wouldn’t make me happy and money was
never our first concern as a married couple. The first concern
was quality of life and whether we are doing things with our time
on earth that allows us to spend time together and allows us to
feel comfortable and good about what we’re doing. As long as
I was moving forward in those plans, money wasn’t going to be
a problem. Because of this, I’m very familiar with the dilemma
that a new trader has in attempting to work a full-time job and
try to trade at the same time. We were deeply in debt after law
school. I defaulted on student loans to pursue currency trading as
a career. We experienced enormous financial pressures, including
the inability to pay our rent or make our car payment or really have
enough money for basic essentials. But we decided that was the
direction that we were going to go and once I made that decision
I wasn’t going to give up. I didn’t have any special training or a

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