Millionaire Traders
for the long-term. So I did a lot of things on the side and as much
as I could just to make sure we could stay afloat during the time
that I tried to learn how to trade.
Q: So you worked full time while you were trading? Or was it
more like part time?
A: I’m absolutely positive that I worked full-time hours, and some
of those hours were the 9-to-5 type while some were side projects
where I did consulting work like write a contract or help with a
web site. I looked for whatever work I could find that I would be
able to do in the middle of the night ideally.
Q: So how did you manage to trade while working full time?
A: I just didn’t get a lot of sleep. The only answer I can come up
with, looking back on it now, is that I woke up at 2 or 3 o’clock in
the morning and I would watch the London or European sessions.
The reason I did that was because I had been first introduced
to currency trading from someone who was taking trades in the
middle of the night and trading during those sessions, so that’s the
session that I was drawn to. And so I would get up really early and
then by the morning I would be ready to work or do whatever else
it was that I was doing to earn actual money and then I would come
home and I would try to sleep and spend time with my wife and
get up early again. So I literally made it work by just getting very
little sleep.
Q: Do you think that was the key that you felt like you had to
make this work?
A: Yes, I made a decision one time, like I do with most things. I
made a decision that I was going to make it work. It was clear to me
that other people could trade for a living, and if it was possible for
other people to do it, then I could persevere long enough to figure