Speak the Culture: Spain: Be Fluent in Spanish Life and Culture

(Nora) #1

Publisher’s Note
This series of books and
this book are designed to
look at the culture of a
country – to give readers
a real grasp of it and to
help them develop and
explore the culture of that
chosen country. At a time
of supposed blurring of
national identity, there is
celebration of cultural
diversity and also a quest
for ancestry, roots,
heritage and belonging.

There is currently much
to-ing and fro-ing in
travel, both for leisure

and work purposes,
between countries and
a great deal of second-
home ownership as well
as more permanent
changes in residence.
This has heightened the
interest in the cultural
context in which daily life
is lived. There are even
citizenship courses for
new residents in many
countries. Inevitably
all of this has brought
a fascination in the
cultures and lifestyles of
different countries, which
are the envy of some and
the pride of others.

Our focus is on increasing
the cultural knowledge
and appreciation of a
country – to enrich and
nourish the minds of
the readers and to give
them a real cultural

This will enhance their
enjoyment of a country
and will certainly help
their communication
skills (even in their own
language) with the
‘locals’, making it more
fun all round.

I would like to thank
Andrew Whittaker as
Editor-in-Chief for
producing this book and
others in the series, and
making flesh what was
once only a twinkle in
my eye.

It is also a book to sit
alongside guidebooks
and language courses –
they will go together
like olives, a chunk of
Manchego and a glass
of Rioja.

Neil Thomas
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