Speak the Culture: Spain: Be Fluent in Spanish Life and Culture

(Nora) #1

  1. Identity: the
    building blocks of
    2. Literature
    and philosophy
    3. Art and
    4. Performing
    5. Cinema
    and fashion
    6. Media and
    7. Food and drink 8. Living culture:
    the details of

Te doy mis ojos(Icíar Bollaín 2003)
A gritty, heart-stopping vision of domestic abuse.

Torrente 2: Misión en Marbella(Santiago Segura 2001)
The comb-over crime fighter’s second outing was a massive success.

My Life Without Me(Isabel Coixet 2005)
Coixet’s English language masterpiece about a young dying woman.

Volver(Pedro Almodóvar 2006)
A ghost makes peace with her daughter in Almodóvar’s absorbing take on a small
town matriarchy.

Mar adentro(Alejandro Amenábar 2004)
Spain’s most promising young film-maker tackles euthanasia.

The five 21st century Spanish films you need to watch

A whole load of clap
El Laberinto del Fauno
received a 22-minute
standing ovation at the
2006 Cannes Film

Pen pads out the role
Throughout filming
Volverwith Pedro
Almodóvar, Penélope
Cruz wore a false bottom
under her clothes. She
later explained how it
helped her adopt the
right world-weary
walk for her character.
Almodóvar pondered,
somewhat mysteriously,
that “the arse is a
symbol of optimism.”

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