Speak the Culture: Spain: Be Fluent in Spanish Life and Culture

(Nora) #1

  1. Identity: the
    building blocks of
    2. Literature
    and philosophy
    3. Art and
    4. Performing
    5. Cinema
    and fashion
    6. Media and
    7. Food and drink 8. Living culture:
    the details of

v. Navarre

Navarre is tugged in different directions.The misty,
western reach of the Pyrenees anchors the region to
the French border, while the Ebro Valley and plains of
the south reach out for a much drier Spain.The Euskadi
way of life is ingrained in much of Navarre’s north,
but the rest of the region resists any marriage with
neighbouring Basque lands, pulsing instead with the
strong Navarrese spirit, a reminder that the kingdom
of Navarre had considerable clout in the Middle Ages.
Pamplona provides an easy to love melting pot for
the different factions, its aged heart unspoilt by the
city’s recent prosperity. Elsewhere, the architecture in
smaller towns like Olite and Estella recalls the region’s
medieval heyday.

Something in the wind
Navarre has taken a
strong lead on the use
of renewable energy
sources, most notably in
its development of wind
power. Nearly 70 per
cent of its energy is
derived from wind and
sun. The region aims to
take all of its electricity
from renewable sources
by 2010.

Grabbed by the bulls:
Los Sanfermines
Perhaps the most
famous of all Spain’s
fiestasis the week-long
Los Sanfermines, held
each July in Pamplona.
Each day begins with
the blood-pumping
encierro, in which six
bulls – and anyone
suffering an excess of

bravado or booze –
rampage through the
narrow streets to the
bullring where their
day goes from bad to
worse. Fireworks,
bands, processions and
monumental drinking
keep the punters happy
at all other times.

Los Sanfermines has
been a Pamplonan
institution for centuries
but Hemingway alerted
the wider world to its
riotous charms with his
rendering of theencierro
inThe Sun Also Rises
(1926). Other towns in
Navarre host similar bull

A dressing down
for theencierro
Animal rights protesters
have begun holding a
‘Running of the Nudes’,
pre-empting the annual
Los Sanfermines by
parading through
Pamplona in little more
than a red necktie
(as per the regional
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