Speak the Culture: Spain: Be Fluent in Spanish Life and Culture

(Nora) #1

  1. Identity: the
    building blocks of
    2. Literature
    and philosophy
    3. Art and
    4. Performing
    5. Cinema
    and fashion
    6. Media and
    7. Food and drink 8. Living culture:
    the details of

Southern Spain

Parts of southern Spain are thriving,

carried along by tourism, fertile soils

and sunshine. Other areas have been

struggling for generations, stuck in the

backwaters with poor land and little in

the way of water or visitors. Between

the two southernmost regions,

Andalusia and Murcia, the latter gets

the worst of it. In common, however,

all of southern Spain teems with

culture, its rich Moorish roots

engendering a way of life unlike any

other in the country.
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