* omslag Between Stillness PB:DEF

(Greg DeLong) #1

the diary or the somewhat retrospective narrative. Compared to the production
of presentness inOne Day, with its illustrative narration and reportage style
and its focus on the hopes for the future, the presentness ofAño Uñaappears
more as a moderate version of the production of pastness inPhoto-Romans.
The pastness invoked by the filmic expression as such (the slide motion film) is
moderately intensified by the pastness produced by the voice-over and the sin-
gularity of the events marked as past rather than typical and repeatable.

Fig.. In the slide-motion film, the visual composition of the image and the quality
of the voices gives the strongest indications of who is speaking and whether or not
the others can hear his or her voice. Screenshot fromAño Uña, black and white

The Social Temporality of the Narrative Slide-Motion


We have seen how the production of pastness in the narrative slide-motion film
varies according to the status of the voice-over and the discursive mode in
which the filmic story is told. However, compared with mainstream entertain-
ment films, where both filmic and narrative finality are normally experienced as
a balanced play between past, present and becoming, the narrative slide-motion
film ruptures this balance by pointing more clearly towards the pastness of the
photographic stills. InAño Uña, as in the other slide-motion films discussed
here, the photographic stills seem to instigate a certain attention towards the
moments of photographic exposure. These moments are past moments. I will

The Temporalities of the Narrative Slide Motion Film 101
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