G7-Gemstone Jewelry

(Romina) #1

Colored Gemstones 7



____ Develop a jewelry feature checklist to use when you’re doing your
“homework” for presentations. Include all the points you’ve covered
in this lesson. (You may not always discuss the entire list, but you
need to be ready to provide any information the customer needs.)
____ Work out explanations of quality and purity for the precious metals
used in the gemstone jewelry you sell. Identify features that make the
metal effective as both a design and as a structural material.
____ Over the next week select one item of gemstone jewelry each day and
develop a list of selling points related to design and craftsmanship.
Work with your manager, jewelry buyer, or bench jeweler on the first
two or three pieces.
____ Read the promotional literature and checkout the websites for any
branded lines your store carries. Identify each brand’s signature and
build presentations for your customers. Also talk to your manager
about how these lines fit into your overall marketing strategy.
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