IATH Best Practices Guide to Digital Panoramic Photography

(lily) #1

I carry to each job, a full view
camera set and a special view
camera with a machined rigid
bellows. This special view
camera, manufactured by SK
Grimes, speeds up the image
making process and has an
extremely low wind profile.

The Better Light panorama
adapter is the other big cost
item (about $4,000). It is a step
motor-driven automated tripod
head. The step motor has zero
gear lash which in practical
terms means the camera’s rotation will start, stop and return to a precise pixel
(Fig. 8-10). Images that are precisely the same can be layered or rendered by high
dynamic range image software.

The Panoscan camera is another camera to be evaluated for panorama imaging.
The trilinear image sensor and viewfinder software are supplied by Better Light.
The camera engineering, original thinking on panorama production and uses (law
enforcement) are the effort of Panoscan.

Other factors that should be considered before investing in a system:

Any digital photographer working at this level has become comfortable
with complex systems, but that is a factor with any panorama system. We all
must carry the camera, tripods, laptop, cords, batteries, external hard drives,
etc. A scanning camera kit contains more parts, but the image quality and
the foreshortened workflow benefits outweigh the extra bits of hardware.

The Better Light scan back has been very reliable, in my experience. In five
years of ownership, I have never had to return one for repair. The scanning
insert is strongly built and protects the CCD from dust and damage. The
image sensor is easily cleaned at any time dust is detected.

With the camera mounted on the pano adapter and the image plane plumb
and level on the tripod, the scanning operator can pre-scan an image in
seconds, recompose the image by adjusting the software settings, make

Figure 8. Better Light scan back mounted on a Better
Light Panowide adapter. Photo by Tom Watson.
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