MATLAB Creating Graphical User Interfaces

(ff) #1
Property Value Description
Position 4-element vector: [distance
from left, distance from
bottom, width, height].

Size of the component and its
location relative to its parent.

String Character vector (for
example, 'button1'). Can
an also be a character array
or a cell array of character

Component label. For list
boxes and pop-up menus it is
a list of the items.

Units characters, centimeters,
inches, normalized,
pixels, points. Default is

Units of measurement used
to interpret the Position
property vector

Value Scalar or vector Value of the component.
Interpretation depends on
the type of component.

For a complete list of properties and for more information about the properties listed in
the table, see Uicontrol.

Push Button

To create a push button with label Button 1, as shown in this figure:

6 Lay Out a UI Using GUIDE

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