paimio sanatorium

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Fig. 3.1.3k. Master drawing of the site plan, April 1930. The building was approached from southwest
along a road. The yard between the main wings had a car park and plantations. On the southside of the
A wing was a geometric garden as a contrast to the surrounding pine forest. This site plan, which was
the one presented to the State Medical Board, did not include the Medical Director’s residence, or the
terraced house for Junior Physicians and the Administrative Director. Detail of drawing No. 50-74. AAM.

Fig. 3.1.3l. Master drawing of the ground floor plan, April 1930. The main staircase was turned 90
degrees to be east-west-oriented. There was now only one four-bed patient room in each ward. There
was an open ward in every six wards. Drawing No. 50-75. The drawing has been edited. AAM.

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