paimio sanatorium

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Artist Eino Kauria served as the supervisor of painting work of Paimio Sanato-

rium from June 1932 onwards.^880 The Alvar Aalto Museum drawing archive holds

a gouache painting by Kauria presenting the colour scheme for Paimio Sanatorium.

Based on his painting, the darker tone of the ceiling varied from one room or floor

to the next as did the corridor wall colour on different floors.^881 Nils-Gustav Hahl

has also described the interior palette of the sanatorium in a 1933 article in Domus

magazine: the lobby had a fresh yellow colour on the floor, the iron window frames

were red and the pipes were painted in different colours according to their function,

which in his opinion added a decorative aspect to the design.^882 The patient room had

few pipes other than heating pipes in view.

880 Building Board June 14, 1932, Section 12. PSA.
881 Prior to Paimio Sanatorium, architect Eino Forsman had used bright colours in the Tarinaharju Sanatorium in
Siilinjärvi, completed in 1931. Heikinheimo et al., Ark-byroo architects 2014, p. 36 and p. 111.
882 Hahl 1933, pp. 63–67.

Fig. 3.5.4f. The darker tone of the ceiling probably varied from one room to the next as did
the corridor wall colour on different floors. Colour plan by Eino Kauria. Photographer Mikko
Hietaharju. Photo No. av 78. Photo has been edited. AAM.

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