paimio sanatorium

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Chapter 1 | Introduction

has informed the choice in the angle of approach. Furthermore, understanding the

master of design as a collective emphasised the nature of design and building as a

collaborative process. Latour’s theory also emphasises the locality of processes, which

is highly relevant in architecture. The design solutions were shaped in the course of

the project, as the ideas of the architect underwent trials. The impact of the collective

on the architectural solution was particularly interesting in the case of a building that

holds a canonised status. When discussing Aalto’s buildings, we often fail to either

see or understand the input of other designers. This is the very aspect into which the

anthropological approach provided useful insight. By following the research methods

suggested by Latour it was possible to make the architectural hybrid “speak”. The rec-

iprocity between the social and the inanimate becomes apparent in, for example, the

aesthetically inspired use of material, low production costs or the qualities attributed

by the material to the hybrid of which it is part, by way of fire-resistance or heat-

insulation qualities. The scientific investigation of the architect’s work included com-

munication with other designers, the client, the builder and product manufacturers

during the process of design and construction, in addition to the actual design work.

The American architect and sociologist Dana Cuff has referred to the architectural

praxis, as described in the present research, as the social dimension of architecture.

While she does not emphasise material action to the same degree as Latour, her work

offers a good description of the social challenges embedded in architectural praxis.^69

Latour’s observations on descriptions of innovation and the intertwining of forces

as events that do not lend themselves to generalised concepts supports the approach of

this study to focus on one project only. Paimio Sanatorium project was not compared

with any other project since, no other building projects has been studied with similar

methodology and level of detail. This would render any such comparison impossible.

Similarly, comparing the findings of the present study regarding the architectural

hybrid of Paimio Sanatorium to his later writings on technology would be equally

futile, as they represent his later thinking.

As a general aim, this study attempted to link architectural research with recent

theories of the history of technology and, to open up a softer, non-deterministic

perspective on the relationship between architecture and technology.

69 Cuff’s book Architecture: The Story of Practice concerns architectural offices in 1980s United States. She observed
their operations through anthropological and ethnographic methods. See Cuff 1991.
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