paimio sanatorium

(Jacob Rumans) #1

1.4 The Research Methods and Materials


his chapter explains the methods employed when carrying out the study. The

approach was anthropological. The actors that were focused were allowed to

lead this study to the salient perspectives and discourses. The material prod-

ucts of culture were seen as parts of a larger immanent discourse, and, in view of

the adopted strategy, any historical assessment of architecture was by its nature an

assessment of the social and cultural discourse as well.^204

Moreover, the architectural discourse relating to the technological system was seen as

part of the reality of the research object and of the architect in particular. Besides written

sources and archive material, the building itself served as evidence. Professor David Wang

from the United States has classified evidence of interpretive-historical research into four

categories: determinative, contextual, inferential and recollective evidence. Different tactics

were used as regards evidence; for example, the minutes of the Building Board and the

Building Committee, important source material, were considered both as determinative and

as inferential evidence, and the contemporary literature as contextual evidence.^205

The primary context of the research was the development of the building, the inter-

play between the stakeholders and their decision-making process. The time frame of the

building project extended from 1928, when the decision to build Paimio Sanatorium

was made by the Federation of Municipalities of Southwest Finland and the archi-

tectural competition, open to Finnish architects, was launched, until 1933, when the

sanatorium was inaugurated.^206


Texts written by influential architectural ideologists of the 1920s and 1930s were primary

sources. In this research, the closer study of the international discourse was limited to the

printed presentations of Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius from two CIAM seminars.

The selection of Aalto’s texts was based on the publishing period and the information

value. The selection and the analysis of this empiristic material is explained in Chapter 2,

“Alvar Aalto’s Professional Networks”. To build a solid body of background information,

publications on hospital architecture of the time, as referred to in research literature, were

also familiarised.^207

204 Wang 2002, p. 151.
205 Wang 2002, pp. 154–158.
206 The building was inaugurated on June 18, 1933. Törrönen 1984, p. 46.
207 Publications on the hospital architecture of the time included e.g. the conference publication of the 1931 Vienna
hospital conference Rationeller Krankenhausbau (The Rational Hospital Building), Richard Döcker’s Terassen Typ
(The Terrace Type), a 1928 theme issue of Die Baugilden (The Construction Journal) on hospital architecture, the
Swedish architect Gustav Birch-Lindgren’s doctoral dissertation Svenska lasarettsbyggnader: modern lasaretts­
byggnadskonst i teori och praktik (Swedish Hospital Buildings: The Theory and Practice in Modern Hospital Archi-
tecture) from 1934. See e.g. Distel 1932, Döcker 1929 and Birch-Lindgren 1934.
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