NOTES ■ 259
87 Cortical activation is the amount of electrical activity in the cerebral
cortex at a given moment in time; its amplitude (in microvolts) has been
used to indicate the general effort taking place in the brain at that time.
When people concentrate their attention, their cortical activation is
generally found to increase, indicating an increase in mental effort.
89 The study of autotelic families is reported in Rathunde (1988). His
findings are in line with many previous investigations, for instance that
securely attached infants engage more in exploratory behavior (Ains
worth, Bell, & Stayton 1971, Matas, Arend, & Sroufe 1978), or that an
optimal balance between love and discipline is the best child-rearing
context (Bronfenbrenner 1970, Devereux 1970, Baumrind 1977). The
systems approach to family studies, which is very congenial with the one
developed here, was pioneered in clinical settings by Bowen (1978).
90 The people of flow. This is the term Richard Logan (1985, 1988) used
to describe individuals who are able to transform trying ordeals into flow
experiences. The quote “If the reach of experience.. .” is from
Burney (1952, pp. 16-18).
91 Eva Zeisel’s imprisonment is described in a New Yorker profile (Lessard
1987). How a Chinese lady survived the brutalities of the Cultural
Revolution is the subject of Life and Death in Shanghai (Cheng 1987).
Solzhenitsyn’s accounts of prison are from The Gulag Archipelago
The account by Tollas Tibor is reconstructed from personal conversa
tions we had in the summer of 1957, when he was released from jail after
the Hungarian revolution.
92 The quote from Solzhenitsyn is cited in Logan (1985). Bettelheim
presents his generalizations about imprisonment based on his concen
tration camp experiences in the article “Individual and Mass Behavior
in Extreme Situations” (1943); for Frankl see Man’s Search for Meaning
and The Unheard Cry for Meaning (1963, 1978).
93 The quotation from Russell was cited in an article in Self magazine
(Merser 1987, p. 147).
page The Tarahumara festivals that include ritual footraces up and down the
95 mountains of northern Mexico for hundreds of miles are described in
Lumholtz (1902 [1987]) and Nabokov (1981). An account of the ritual
elements involved in modern sports is given by MacAloon’s (1981) study
of the modern Olympics.
97 The Icarus complex was explored by Henry A. Murray (1955).
At this point it might be appropriate to confront squarely the