March 2022, 23
Scientists found evidence of bacteria “mining” silver in
ancient underwater worm poo. A microscopic analysis
of fossilized feces revealed specks of the metal, which
likely accumulated about 500 million years ago as
dung-dwelling bacteria extracted it from the sur-
rounding water.
For more details, visit
An investigation of sedimentary rock cores revealed that
a large, previously undocumented tsunami slammed into Chile’s
coast in 1737. The finding suggests that tsunamis hit the country’s
coastline more often than previously thought and that hazard
assessments should consider both geologic and historical records.
New work suggests 3.66-million-year-old footprints might come from a hominin
that walked with a strange gait, strutting by crossing one foot in front of another.
The tracks are distinct from Australopithecus afarensis —the area’s known hominid
species—suggesting early humans with very different strides may have coexisted.
Computer simulations suggest climate change was among
the reasons Vikings abandoned Greenland in the 15th century.
An expanding ice sheet would have depressed the land and
pulled seawater onshore, flooding coastal settlements
with up to five meters of water.
Small freshwater fish called
sulfur mollies synchronously
splash their tails to create
waves, and scientists have now
demonstrated that this strat-
egy can deter hungry birds.
Researchers triggered the
wave-making process using sling-
shots and found that birds waited
twice as long between attacks.
By Nikk Ogasa
Researchers in northeastern
England unearthed an exo-
skeleton fragment from the
largest arthropod ever discov-
ered, in a genus called
Arthropleura. By referencing
related fossils’ body propor-
tions, the team estimates this
millipede would have weighed
50 kilograms and measured
2.6 meters long.
Scientists found evidence of bacteria “mining” silver in
ancient underwater worm poo. A microscopic analysis
of fossilized feces revealed specks of the metal, which
likely accumulated about 500 million years ago as
dung-dwelling bacteria extracted it from the sur-
rounding water.
For more details,
An investigation of sedimentary rock cores revealed that
a large, previously undocumented tsunami slammed into Chile’s
coast in 1737. The fi nding suggests that tsunamis hit the country’s
coastline more often than previously thought and that hazard
assessments should consider both geologic and historical records.
New work suggests 3.66-million-year-old footprints might come from a hominin
that walked with a strange gait, strutting by crossing one foot in front of another.
The tracks are distinct from Australopithecus afarensis —the area’s known hominid
species—suggesting early humans with very diff erent strides may have coexisted.
Computer simulations suggest climate change was among
the reasons Vikings abandoned Greenland in the 15th century.
An expanding ice sheet would have depressed the land and
pulled seawater onshore, fl ooding coastal settlements
with up to fi ve meters of water.
Small freshwater fi sh called
sulfur mollies synchronously
splash their tails to create
waves, and scientists have now
demonstrated that this strat-
egy can deter hungry birds.
Researchers triggered the
wave-making process using sling-
shots and found that birds waited
twice as long between attacks.
By Nikk Ogasa
Researchers in northeastern
England unearthed an exo-
skeleton fragment from the
largest arthropod ever discov-
ered, in a genus called
Arthropleura. By referencing
related fossils’ body propor-
tions, the team estimates this
millipede would have weighed
50 kilograms and measured
2.6 meters long.
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