Scientific American - USA (2022-03)

(Maropa) #1
March 2022, 35

willing to embrace measures such
as masks and social distancing.
By some measures COVID has
also hampered scientific produc-
tivity overall, researchers suggest-
ed in a paper in Nature Communi-
cations late last year. Some of the
2020 survey data revealed that sci-
entists were spending an average
of seven fewer hours per week
working on research. The group,
led by Dashun Wang of North-
western University, wrote that the
decrease in productivity will likely
have lasting effects, with scientists
reporting fewer publications, col-

laborations, submitted papers and
new projects started during the
pandemic. Lockdowns, school clo-
sures and other changes took a
disproportionate toll on women
scientists juggling work and child
care—a major problem that re-
quires urgent redress.
But a publication dip is precisely
what we would expect when scien-
tists shift from day-to-day research
to an emergency response. Placing
papers in journals becomes second-
ary to fixing problems. Dealing
with urgent issues is one of the
most important roles of the public-

ly funded scientific ecosystem,
which has millions of researchers
effectively on retainer. When glob-
al crises arise, they organize, learn
and coordinate. And that, ulti-
mately, leads to solutions.

Joseph Bak-Coleman is a postdoctoral
fellow at the University of Washington Center
for an Informed Public. He studies how
communications technology affects collective
Carl T. Bergstrom is a professor of biology
at the University of Washington. He studies
how evolution encodes information within
genomes and how institutions and behavioral
norms influence scientific communication.

Illustration by James Yang
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