March 2022, 69
Mark Peterson/Redux Pictures
gathered new strength, to the
extent that it threatens to set us
back to an era before the Civil
Rights Movement. Among the
great achievements of the CRM
were the 1964 Civil Rights Act and
the 1965 Voting Rights Act. What
is under attack now? It is precisely
the right to vote. Multiple states
now have laws restricting the
rights of what they call “minority
voters,” by which they mean
voters of color.
The recent Kyle Rittenhouse
case, in which a vigilante who
shot white people participating
in largely Black protests was com-
pletely exonerated, is also alarming.
In the 1960s segregationists at -
tack ed white participants in the
CRM, de scribing them as race trai-
tors. Rittenhouse’s as sault has sim-
ilar overtones. Now white people
know that not only can conserva-
tives at tack them if they partici-
pate in protests, but the courts
may also side with the attackers.
Going forward, will they be willing
to risk their lives for a cause that
is not directly theirs? And how can
we ignore the insurrection of Jan-
uary 6, 2021, when a predomi-
nantly white armed mob sought
to annul the outcome of the presi-
dential election?
As I see it, a very serious clash
is taking place be tween progres-
sive and conservative forces,
be tween people who are fighting
for equality and people who are
fighting to maintain the status
quo. It is not clear who will tri-
umph. What is clear is that
America is at its highest level
of polarization in modern history.
I can imagine it must have looked
something like this prior to the
Civil War. We are at a cusp, and
we could fall on either side—into
the chasm of fascism or into a
more hopeful, democratic world.
Aldon Morris is Leon Forrest Professor
of Sociology and African American Studies
at Northwestern University and a previous
president of the American Sociological
Association. His landmark books include
The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement (1986)
and The Scholar Denied: W.E.B. Du Bois and
the Birth of Modern Sociology (2015).