ACCA F4 - Corp and Business Law (ENG)

(Jeff_L) #1
Part D The formation and constitution of business organisations  12: Corporations and legal personality 191

7 Comparison of companies and partnerships

Because it is a separate legal entity, a company has a number of features which are different from a
partnership. The most important difference between a company and a traditional partnership is that a
company has a separate legal personality from its members, while a traditional partnership does not.

7.1 The differences

The separate legal personality of a company gives rise to a number of characteristics which mark it out
from a traditional partnership. Revise this table when you have studied the rest of the book and know
more of the details concerning the distinctive factors of companies.

Factor Company Traditional partnership
Entity Is a legal entity separate from its

Has no existence outside of its members

Liability Members' liability can be limited Partners' liability is usually unlimited
Size May have any number of members (at
least one)

Some partnerships are limited to 20
members (professional partnerships
Succession Perpetual succession – change in
ownership does not affect existence

Partnerships are dissolved when any of the
partners leaves it

Members own transferable shares Partners cannot assign their interests in a
Assets Company owns the assets Partners own assets jointly
Management Company must have at least one
director (two for a public company)

All partners can participate in management

Constitution Company must have a written

A partnership may have a written partnership
agreement, but also may not
Accounts A company must usually deliver
accounts to the Registrar

Partners do not have to send their accounts
to the Registrar
Security A company may offer a floating charge
over its assets

A partnership may not usually give a floating
charge on assets
Withdrawal of

Strict rules concerning repayment of
subscribed capital

More straightforward for a partner to
withdraw capital
Taxation Company pays tax on its profit
Directors are taxed through PAYE
Shareholders receive dividends which
are taxed ten months after the tax year

Partners extract 'drawings' weekly or
No tax is deducted as income tax is payable
on final profit for the year.

Management Members elect directors to manage the

All partners have a right to be involved in


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