ACCA F4 - Corp and Business Law (ENG)

(Jeff_L) #1

222 14: Constitution of a company  Part D The formation and constitution of business organisations

Chapter Roundup

 The memorandum is a simple document which states that the subscribers wish to form a company and
become members of it.
 A company's constitution comprises the Articles of Association and any resolutions and agreements it
makes which affect the constitution.
 The articles may be altered by a special resolution. The basic test is whether the alteration is for the
benefit of the company as a whole.

 A company's objects are its aims and purposes. If a company enters into a contract which is outside its
objects, that contract is said to be ultra vires. However the rights of third parties to the contract are
 Companies may only act in accordance with their objects. If the directors permit an act which is restricted
by the company's objects then the act is ultra vires.
 The articles constitute a contract between:

  • Company and members

  • Members and the company

  • Members and members
     The articles do not constitute a contract between the company and third parties, or members in a
    capacity other than as members (the Eley case).
     The constitution can be used to establish the terms of a contract existing elsewhere.

 Shareholders' agreements sometimes supplement a company's constitution.
 Except in certain circumstances a company's name must end with the words limited (Ltd), public limited
company (plc) or the Welsh equivalents.
 No company may use a name which is:

  • The same as an existing company on the Registrar's index of company names

  • A criminal offence, offensive or 'sensitive'

  • Suggest a connection with the government or local authority (unless approved)

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