Topic list Syllabus reference
1 Case law and precedent A2(a)
2 Legislation A2(b)
3 Statutory interpretation A2(c)
4 The European Convention on Human Rights A2(d)
5 The Human Rights Act 1998 A2(d)
6 The Impact of the Act A2(d)
Sources of law
Continuing with our study of the English Legal system, we now look at sources
of law and how law is interpreted by the courts.
You will discover that the main law making bodies are the Courts (who develop
the 'common law') and Parliament which produces statutes and delegated
EU law is another source of law for the UK. Its detail is outside the scope of
your syllabus but you must be aware of it as a source of law.
The rules on statutory interpretation are used by Judges when deciding cases
that involve statutes which are open to several different meanings.