ACCA F4 - Corp and Business Law (ENG)

(Jeff_L) #1

Practice answer bank 369

Answer 1

A Summary offences are minor offences that would only be heard at a Magistrates' Court. Indictable
offences are serious offences that would only be heard at a Crown Court. A 'triable either way'
offence is one where the accused has the choice of which court will hear the case.

Syllabus area A1(b)

Answer 2

C In the English criminal law system, an appeal regarding a decision by a Magistrates' Court would
be heard by the Crown Court.

Syllabus area A1(b)

Answer 3

D A civil law case is between the claimant and defendant. A criminal law case is between the
prosecution and accused.

Syllabus area A1(a)

Answer 4

C Mistakes by judges can never be eliminated. The other statements are advantages of binding

Syllabus area A2(a)

Answer 5

B Under the purposive approach to statutory interpretation, the purpose, or what the legislation is
trying to achieve, is considered.

Syllabus area A2(c)

Answer 6

A A standard form contract is a document set out by large organisations that states the terms that its
customers will do business with it. There is no negotiation, either the customer accepts the terms
or goes elsewhere. The contracts in the other options include scope for negotiation.

Syllabus area B1(a)

Answer 7

B The postal rule states that acceptance is valid when a letter of acceptance is posted. The other
options are not regarded as acceptance – a counter-offer is in effect a new offer, acceptance
'subject to contract' means the offeree is agreeable to the terms but the parties should negotiate a
valid contract, and a tender to perform a task is an offer.

Syllabus area B1(d)

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