ACCA F4 - Corp and Business Law (ENG)

(Jeff_L) #1

386 Index

Company secretary duties, 294
Company secretary powers and authority, 295
Compensatory award, 150
Compulsory liquidation, 326
Condition, 78
Consideration, 56
Constitutional Reform Act 2005, 12
Constructive dismissal, 141 , 142
Consumer, 86
Consumer contracts, 84
Consumers, 84
Content, 40
Contextual rule, 27
Continous employment, 136
Contra proferentem rule, 82
Contract, 38
Contract by deed, 40
Contract of employment, 124
Contract terms, 74
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, 68
Contributories, 330
Contributory negligence, 113
Control test, 125
Corporate directors, 204
Corporate personality, 179
Corporations sole, 181
Cost of cure, 96
Counter-offer, 44 , 48
County Court, 9
Court of Appeal, 12
Court of first instance, 12
Creditors' meeting, 334
Creditors' voluntary liquidation, 325
Crime, 6
Criminal court structure, 8
Criminal Division, 12
Criminal Justice Act 1993, 342
Criminal law, 6
Cross-offers, 50
Crown Court, 10
Crystallisation, 249

Damages, 93
De facto directors, 270
De jure directors, 270
Debenture, 245
Debenture trust deed, 246
Declaration of incompatibility, 31
Declaration of solvency, 324, 350
Defences to negligence, 113
Delegated legislation, 25
Director, 270
Director General of Fair Trading, 86
Directors' appointment, 272

Directors' disqualification, 276
Directors' personal liability, 289
Directors' powers, 278
Directors' removal, 275
Directors' remuneration, 273
Directors' rotation, 275
Directors' service agreements, 274
Directors' duties, 281
Directors' vacation of office, 274
Discharge of contract, 90
Disciplinary procedure, 146
Dissemination of information, 346
Distinguishing the facts, 20
Distributable profit, 261
Dividend, 260
Duty not to accept benefits from third parties,
Duty of care, 107
Duty to act within powers, 282
Duty to avoid conflicts of interest, 286
Duty to declare interest in proposed transaction
or arrangement, 287
Duty to exercise independent judgement, 284
Duty to exercise reasonable skill, care and
diligence, 285
Duty to promote the success of the company,

Economic loss, 110
Eiusdem generis, 27
Electronic contract, 39, 68
Employee, 124
Employee's duties, 130
Employer's duties, 131
Employment contract, 129
Employment tribunals, 143
Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules
of Procedure) Regulations 2013, 143
Enabling legislation, 24
Enterprise Act 2002, 331
Equal Pay Act 1970, 132
Equality Act 2010, 132
Equitable remedies, 99
Equity, 18 , 231
Equity (law), 5, 18
Equity (share), 231
Equity share capital, 231
European Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
European Court of Human Rights, 13
European Court of Justice, 13
Exclusion clause, 79 , 82
Exclusion of liability for negligence, 84
Executed consideration, 57
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