ACCA F4 - Corp and Business Law (ENG)

(Jeff_L) #1

388 Index

Minors, 39
Minutes, 314
Mischief rule, 27
Misuse of information, 345
Mitigation of loss, 96
Mobility clauses, 142
Model Articles of Association, 211
Money laundering, 346
Money Laundering Regulations 2007, 347
Multinational company, 186
Multiple (economic reality) test, 126
Multi-track, 10

National Minimum Wage Act 1998, 132
Negative pledge clauses, 251
Negligence, 107
Nominal value, 229
Non-executive director, 271
Noscitur a sociis, 28
Notice period, 140
Novus actus interveniens, 111

Obiter dicta, 20
Off the shelf companies, 200
Offer, 41
Offer for sale, 235
Official receiver, 329
Onerous terms, 82
Option contract, 45
Orders in council, 25
Ordinary shares, 231
Overrule, 22

Paid up share capital, 230
Par, 237
Parent company, 184
Parental leave, 134
Parliamentary procedure, 24
Parliamentary sovereignty, 23
Partly paid shares, 237
Partners' authority, 171
Partners' liability, 172
Partnership, 168
Partnership Act 1890, 171
Partnership agreement, 170
Partnership formation, 169
Partnership termination, 170
Passing-off, 106
Passing-off action, 220
Past consideration, 57
Paternity leave and pay, 134
Penalty clause, 98
Performance, 90

Persuasive precedents, 22
Placement, 347
Placing, 235
Poll, 313
Postal rule, 49
Powers of an individual director, 281
Powers of the Chief Executive Officer (Managing
Director), 279
Precedent, 19
Pre-emption rights, 236
Preference shares, 231
Pre-incorporation contract, 197
Presumptions of statutory interpretation, 28
Priority of charges, 251
Private Acts, 24
Private companies, 183
Private company, 182
Private law, 5
Privity of contract, 66
Privy Council, 13
Professional advice, 114
Professional Regulations, 25
Profits available for distribution, 261
Promissory estoppel, 62
Promoter, 196
Promoters' duties, 196
Proxy, 312
Public Acts, 24
Public company, 182
Public law, 5
Public offer, 235
Purposive approach, 27

Quantum meruit, 99
Quasi-partnership, 189
Queen's Bench Division, 11
Quorum, 311

Ratio decidendi, 20
Rectification, 18
Redundancy, 150
Redundancy pay, 151
Re-engagement, 150
Register of charges, 204, 253
Register of debentureholders, 204, 246
Register of directors, 204
Register of members, 203
Registered companies, 181
Registrar of Companies, 202
Registration of charges, 252
Reinstatement, 149
Rejection, 44
Reliance interest, 94
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